
Notary’s office

Mrs. Dana Peic-Thiel, notary public and also custodian of the files of the retired notary (ret) Christoph C. Paul, offers expert support in all notarial fields of work that require certification/attestation.

Secretary's office Notary Peic-Thiel:

Mrs. Sabine Fröhlich
Phone: 030 887 107 9-21

Mrs. Kerstin Judtka
Phone: 030 887 107 9-12

Mrs. Kristina Solić
Phone: 030 887 107 9-19

Notary's office administration Notary (ret.) Paul:

Mrs Kerstin Judtka
Phone: 030 887 107 9-12

Our notary's office is at your disposal for notarizations and certifications even in times of coronavirus. However, your and our health has the highest priority. We protect it in the best possible way by increased hygiene and absolute adherence to the safety distance. We ask for your understanding that we limit the participation in certifications to those directly involved. As far as possible, we prefer to hold meetings and consultations by telephone or e-mail. We will be happy to inform you about the details by telephone or e-mail.

Our notarial services focus on:

Real estate law

  • Property purchase agreements
  • Condominium purchase agreements
  • Builder regulations
  • Separation of property, building of condominium and partial ownership
  • Property mortgages, mortgage debts, easements, right of abode, etc.

checklist property purchase contract Fill-out PDF (1 MB),

please send to:

Law of succession/composition proceedings

  • Last will, testamentary contracts
  • Declarations of renunciation of inheritance
  • Disclaimers of inheritance

Digital inheritance and last will PDF (46 KB)

Marriage, family and partnership

  • Marriage and life-partnership contracts
  • Divorce consequences - separation agreements
  • Health care proxy, living will

checklist Adoption fill-out PDF (1 MB),

checklist marriage settlement fill-out PDF (1,4 MB),

Please send to:

Company law

  • Company law, association law
  • Founding of companies (GmbH, entrepreneurial company, KG, AG, Ldt.)
  • Assignment of shares
  • Registrations in the trade register

checklist company formation fill-out PDF (1 MB),

Please send to:


  • Certification of mediation and final agreements



Herr Notar Christoph C. Paul und Frau Notarin Dana Peic-Thiel bieten fachkundige Betreuung in allen notariellen Arbeitsfeldern, die einer Beurkundung/Beglaubigung bedürfen.

Sekretariat Notar Paul:

Frau Ulrike Schreuer
Telefon: 030 887 107 919

Frau Alexandra Grieser
Telefon: 030 887 107 912

Sekretariat Notarin Peic-Thiel:

Frau Sabine Fröhlich
Telefon: 030 887 107 921

Frau Alexandra Grieser
Telefon: 030 887 107 912

Besondere Schwerpunkte liegen im:



  • Grundstückskaufverträge
  • Wohnungseigentumskaufverträge
  • Bauträgerverträge
  • Teilung von Grundstücken Bildung von Wohnungseigentum und Teileigentum
  • Grundstücksbelastungen Grundschulden, Hypotheken, Dienstbarkeiten, Wegerecht, Wohnrecht etc.




  • Testament, Erbverträge
  • Erbverzichtserklärungen
  • Erbausschlagung

Digitaler Nachlass und Testament PDF (46 KB)

Ehe, Familie und Partnerschaft

  • Ehe-/Partnerschaftsverträge
  • Scheidungsfolgen – Trennungsvereinbarungen
  • Vorsorgevollmacht, Patientenverfügung


  • Gesellschaftsrecht, Vereinsrecht
  • Gründungen von Gesellschaften (GmbH, Unternehmergesellschaft,   KG, AG, Ldt.)
  • Abtretung von Geschäftsanteilen
  • Handelsregisteranmeldungen


  • Beurkundung der Mediations- bzw Abschlussvereinbarungen